Your Trusted IVF Clinic in Kolkata

When you are facing problems with conceiving normally, in vitro fertilization (IVF) can bring you a step closer to your dream of parenthood. However, the process may feel intimidating if you are unsure of what is involved. Here’s a guide to help you understand what to expect at an IVF Centre.

Both partners are expected to be present during the first visit, wherein previous reports and detailed history are reviewed. A complete medical history is taken, and some blood tests are done to understand the medical background and to draft the treatment plan. Simple solutions are considered first, and your care plan will be based on specific situations, which will be explained beforehand.

The service matrix of top-rated IVF Centers in Kolkata includes Ovulation Induction, ICSI, IVF, Laser Assisted Hatching, Sperm Retrieval, PESA, MESA, TESE/TESA, Embryo and Sperm Freezing, Reproductive Surgery, including Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and Male Reproductive Surgery. Some of the best infertility doctors in Kolkata are also experts in additional treatment options, including Donor Program that comprises Sperm Donor, and Egg Donor Program, Surrogacy, as well as PGD & PGS Screening. They offer these treatments via IVF Clinics in Kolkata.

Top Factors to Consider While Choosing an IVF Center in Kolkata

The IVF clinic needs to be a place where the couple gets quality and most suitable infertility treatments from clinical experts. Fertility specialists in IVF Centers provide complete support and help in detecting and treating reproductive woes.

If you are considering IVF treatment to have a baby, then choosing the most appropriate IVF Center in Kolkata is critical. Here’s our guide that covers the important things that need to be considered while choosing an IVF Clinic in Kolkata.

– Find out their reputation

It is imperative to know the success rate of the fertility specialist and IVF Center in Kolkata you have been considering. Success rates might vary from one year to another. However, a host of factors drive the success rates. Some of these factors include the skill of the IVF center team, equipment, and qualities of eggs and sperms used during the treatment. Thus, it is wise to ask for a report of the success rate of the IVF Center in Kolkata you are considering. Couples are also requested to check online reviews to know what couples who have undergone treatment under the same fertility specialist and IVF clinic in Kolkata have to say.

– Check for insurance

Insurance policies may differ from hospital to hospital, and most IVF hospitals do not cover insurance for in vitro fertilization treatment. However, a few IVF centers in Kolkata may have insurance cover when it comes to diagnostic procedures. So, before shortlisting an IVF Clinic in Kolkata, you need to check a list of those offering insurance coverage if you want to make use of your existing health insurance policy.

– Assess how approachable they are

Getting infertility treatment can be a challenge for both partners as they go through a difficult and emotionally turbulent time. It is important to feel comfortable about discussing every little query you may have with the fertility specialist. Choose an infertility doctor who is approachable and cooperative. While undergoing the treatment it is normal to feel unsure, anxious and depressed. During this period of uncertainty your doctor is your best friend. Friendly and accessible are probably the two most important qualities that an infertility specialist is required to have.

– Learn more about the potential cost

The cost of IVF treatments and other diagnostic procedures at IVF centers in Kolkata is likely to be on the higher side due to the complex procedures and expensive medicines involved in the treatment cycle. However, the growing number of such centers in the city has increased the choices and with more people opting for this form of treatment today, it is gradually becoming more affordable. After you have made up your mind about the doctor for your treatment among the most well known infertility specialists in Kolkata, get in touch with the IVF Clinic to which he or she is attached to get an understanding of the cost involved.

– Concluding Thoughts

Irrespective of which IVF center in Kolkata you have chosen or which infertility doctor in Kolkata you are consulting, IVF does not guarantee pregnancy. Some women get pregnant the first time, while others have to repeat the cycle once or twice. On the other hand, some couples may not be successful despite multiple attempts. The success of IVF treatment often depends on the woman’s age. According to the latest data at the time of writing, the IVF success rate for women using their eggs was 48% for women under 35 years and dropped to 3% for women over 42 years.

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